A Post-Mortem Guide for 2024

Socrates wisely said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” As we wrap up 2024, let’s take a note from this great philosopher and intentionally set aside time to reflect on the past 365 days—personally, professionally, and spiritually. This exercise costs little but pays dividends in return. If you’re not sure where to start, you’re in the right spot.

You may be familiar with the Catholic tradition of a “daily examen,” first described by St. Ignatius of Loyola. For centuries, this practice has been a cornerstone for those pursuing a devout life, offering a structured way for Christians to reflect on their day—acknowledging their shortcomings, celebrating their victories, and recognizing how God was present in it all.

In the business world, we often refer to a similar process as a “post-mortem.” This term, which could be the professional counterpart to Ignatius’s “examen,” invites us to reflect on our projects, goals, accomplishments, and setbacks. It’s an opportunity to identify what worked, what didn’t, and how we can use that knowledge to grow in the year ahead. Though the process can seem daunting, Patrick Lencioni reminds us, “Every endeavor of importance in life, whether it is creative, athletic, interpersonal, or academic, brings with it a measure of discomfort.”

If you're ready to step back and do some honest analysis of the past year, consider using these questions to guide your own reflection. And remember: you can always dig deeper. This list is just a starting point, but if something stands out, ask yourself more questions—it’s always worthwhile to keep digging.

Reflection Questions for Your Professional Post-Mortem:

What were your objective goals for 2024? Did you meet them?
Reflect on whether you achieved your key objectives—and if not, why that might be. If you didn’t write down tangible goals for 2024, consider making this a priority for 2025. There’s something powerful about holding a list of goals during your year-end review and checking things off. 

How is your team culture? What works well, and what could improve?
Reflecting on team culture is crucial. Is there engagement, cohesiveness, healthy conflict? What initiatives have been successful? What’s not working? Consider what your team needs to start doing, stop doing, or keep doing. This will give you insights into how your leadership is impacting team dynamics.

How effectively did your team communicate and collaborate?
Communication is everything! Where did your team come together most effectively? What projects were particularly successful, and which ones faltered? Reflect on how different team subgroups collaborated and whether any issues arose around alignment, timing, or resources. Understanding where communication thrived—and where it needs a boost—will be key for next year.

What feedback did you receive from stakeholders (customers, partners, etc.) that was most valuable?
We all have blind spots—what feedback did you receive over the past year that highlighted yours? It might be tempting to dismiss certain critiques, but listening to feedback, especially the uncomfortable kind, can provide the most valuable insights. Rather than becoming discouraged, invite feedback and allow it to fuel forward motion. Also, note the positive feedback! Be proud of what you are doing well and double-down on this activity.

What processes or systems were most effective? What tools or workflows should you implement in 2025 to improve performance?
Reflect on where your team hit roadblocks, felt frustrated, or struggled to meet goals. Were there recurring obstacles tied to certain processes or tools? What is not working? Get curious as you seek to understand what worked well and what didn’t – it will help you implement more efficient systems for the upcoming year.

What is the most significant obstacle that your team is facing? What were the biggest wins, and what factors contributed to them?
It’s crucial to hold space for both obstacles and victories. What were the key challenges your team faced in 2024? And equally important, what were your biggest wins? Understanding both helps you prepare for the year ahead and build on successes while addressing challenges.

As leaders in our homes, businesses, and communities, it’s important to spend intentional time celebrating growth, identifying weaknesses, and setting tangible goals for the year ahead. These reflections have a profound ability to pinpoint areas of both strength and weakness. As you examine the past year, let it be an opportunity to reframe your approach, celebrate achievements, and set yourself and your team up for an even more successful 2025!

—Tom Pagano, President of Mission Advantage Recruiting


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